Sunday, February 22, 2009

Part two-Technological Advancements [[By: Michelle Cabral]]

During the 19th and 20th century, Africa was imperialized by Europeans. During this time period the Europeans believed that it was their duty to assimilate the Africans to themselves because they believed that the Africans were "uneducated savages". Another idea that was spread around this time was the idea of social Darwinism. Social Darwinism stated that; the whites were considered more fit in the struggle for survival and so the Europeans used this and the thought that Africans were inferior to them as a justification for Imperialism.
In this time period businesses went into Africa as an effect of the industrial revolution. They noticed the natural resources available in Africa since it would be cheaper and their businesses would profit more.
Some of the technological tools that facilitated the imperialism of the 19th and 20th century were firearms, lightweight artillery,improved steam engines, railroads and medical science. Firearms made conquest easier for the Europeans and they were able to take control and take away whatever it was that they wanted from the Africans since they were not advanced in technology. Firearms also made it possible for a smaller amount of people to defeat and control a larger amount of people. The improved steam engines made it possible for the steamships to have a larger capacity because they required less space for fuel. Medical science was a form of technology that was very important to the imperialists of Africa. Medical science made it possible for people to survive in Africa from the many tropical diseases there making conquest easier as well.
Today in Africa, tools to mine diamonds are used and weapons are a
s used as well. The weapons have become more widespread and into the wrong hands which causes plenty of deaths in Africa and does not allow anyone there to live a secure life.
Technology has not done much good for Africa. It has not helped them develop as a country at all. Technology is not used in Africa to help them grow economically. The people that do use it to grow economically use weapons which prevents everyone else from growing. No one is able to grow socially because they all live in fear of the items that technology has created and the many lives that are taken from them by these tools on a daily basis. Since the imperialism began and was introduced to Africa it did no good for them. The good and valuable natural resources available to Africa were taken away by these items. Perhaps the only good technology has done for Africa is the advance in medical science but, because of the poverty this medical science is not of significance. There are not many differences in the technological ad
vancements that have been introduced to Africa over the years. They have just become more widespread and more dangerous, showing us that technology is not much of a good deed to Africa.

1 comment:

  1. we liked how you explained how Africa was before British imperialism and how you explained how it was after the British imperialism. good job!
